Scott Dam Removal Part of Potter Valley Coalition’s Proposal

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Redwood Times, May 14, 2020. A group of Northern California agencies on Wednesday filed a proposal to acquire the Potter Valley project from the Pacific Gas and Electric Co., submitting a report that includes plans to remove the controversial Scott Dam and form a new authority to operate complex infrastructure at the Eel and Russian river basins.

Local Coalition Advances Two-Basin Solution for Russian and Eel River Basins

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May 13, 2020. Five diverse entities jointly proposed an ambitious plan to advance restoration of Eel River fisheries while maintaining water security for Russian River basin water users. The Feasibility Study Report (Report) Project Plan was filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) as the next step in the effort toward securing a new license for the Potter Valley Project, which is currently owned by PG&E.

Close to Home: What’s next for Potter Valley Project?

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The Press Democrat, November 24, 2019. California Trout, Humboldt County, the Mendocino County Inland Water and Power Commission and the Sonoma County Water Agency signaled to the Federal Energy Regulation Commission in June that they are exploring options for the future of the Potter Valley Project.

Saving Salmon

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The Bohemian, November 6, 2019. Will overhauling Scott Dam save native fish? DAM’D IF YOU DON’T Some see an opportunity to revive fish runs by overhauling the Scott Dam and related infrastructure pieces collectively called the “Potter Valley Project.”