Schedule of Important Meetings/Events: Subject to change
- Initial Study Report Meeting (Agenda), Tuesday, September 29, 2020 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Please register in advance for this webinar:
- Mid-February through early-March 2020: Administrative Draft Feasibility Study Report and Technical Appendices to Planning Agreement Partners
- March 2020: Review of draft documents
- April 14, 2020: Final Feasibility Study Report and Technical Appendices
- Notice of Intent filed in June of 2019
FERC Relicensing Schedule
August 27, 2020: Stakeholders (all member of the public) to file comments on Scoping Document 3
September 14, 2020: Partnership to file initial study report on Commission’s approved study plan
The purposes of the initial study report are to report environmental study results to date, and for the Partnership to propose any modifications to the study plan including new studies relevant to the reconfigured project concept.
September 29, 2020: Partnership to hold meeting with stakeholders on initial study report
The Partnership will meet with FERC, resource agencies and other stakeholders to discuss and take comments on the initial study report.
October 14 2020: Partnership to file initial study report meeting summary
The meeting summary will include any modifications to ongoing studies or new studies proposed by the Partnership.
November 13,2020: Stakeholders to file disagreements and requests to amend study plan
Stakeholders have an opportunity to make their own written proposals for modified or new studies.
December 14, 2020: Responses to disagreements/study requests
The Partnership and/or others may respond to any proposals for modified or new studies.
January 13, 2021: FERC to issue Study Plan Determination
FERC will approve the Partnership study plan changes or modify the study plan per stakeholder comments.
January – December 2021: Partnership to conduct studies
The Partnership will carry out the studies required by FERC’s study plan determination.
September 14, 2021: Partnership to file updated study report
The purposes of this report are to update FERC and the stakeholders on the results of completed studies and status of any studies that remain outstanding, as well as to propose any study modifications.
September 29, 2021: Updated study report meeting with stakeholders
The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the updated study report. Stakeholders may request further modifications or new studies.
October 14, 2021: Partnership to file updated study report meeting summary
This serves a similar purpose to the initial study report meeting summary.
November 15, 2021: Stakeholders to file study disputes/requests to modify study plan
Stakeholders have an opportunity to request new or modified studies based on the updated study report.
November 15, 2021: File preliminary Licensing Proposal with FERC
The license applicant will submit a draft licensing proposal for FERC and stakeholder comment, including any proposed reconfiguration of the project and fisheries and other environmental protection measures.
December 15, 2021: Responses to disagreements/study requests
The Partnership and/or others may respond to any requests for modified or new studies.
January 14, 2022: FERC to issue Director’s study plan determination
FERC will rule on whether any further studies or study modifications are needed.
February 13, 2022: Stakeholders to file comments on preliminary licensing proposal
April 14, 2022: Final license application
The final license application must reflect and respond to stakeholder and FERC comments on the draft license proposal.
April 28, 2022: FERC issues public notice of final license application filing
This kicks off the post-filing process in which interested parties may intervene and comment on the final license application, agencies with regulatory authority submit license terms and conditions, the license applicant requests the State Water Board to issue a water quality certification under the Clean Water Act, FERC conducts its NEPA process, and FERC consults with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service under the Endangered Species Act.