Statement from the Two-Basin Partnership in Response to Rep. Garamendi’s Letter to FERC regarding Two-Basin Solution

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For Immediate Release
October 21, 2020

Nina Erlich-Williams,
510-336-9566, C: 415-577-1153


Humboldt, Mendocino, and Sonoma Counties – Congressman John Garamendi recently publicly released a letter he submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) that critiqued the process currently underway to evaluate options for future modifications to the structure and operations of the Potter Valley Project. The Two-Basin Partnership, comprised of California Trout, the County of Humboldt, the Mendocino County Inland Water & Power Commission, the Round Valley Indian Tribes, and Sonoma County Water Agency, releases the following statement in response to Rep. Garamendi’s letter.

“Discussions regarding the future of the Potter Valley Project started when PG&E, which currently owns the project, indicated that it did not plan to renew its license for the facilities when its current license expires in 2022. Had no one stepped forward after PG&E announced its intention to neither relicense nor sell the project, it is possible that FERC would have required PG&E to remove the Potter Valley Project’s facilities as part of the license surrender process. The Two-Basin Partnership was formed to study whether it would be possible to improve habitat for endangered fish in the Eel River basin while maintaining water diversions into the Russian River basin to support agricultural and residential users in Mendocino, Sonoma and Marin Counties.

“Our partnership is committed to each other and to working with all stakeholders, including Lake County. We recognize that Lake County has important interests at stake. It has been encouraging to see Lake County participate in Congressman Huffman’s Ad Hoc Committee and the FERC process. The partnership has been and will continue to meet with Lake County to develop solutions for addressing Lake County’s concerns. Moving forward, transparency and public participation are key.

“The partnership is now commissioning additional studies to inform its application to FERC. One of these studies will look at the socioeconomic impacts that removing Scott Dam would have on Lake County. We are at the very early stages of this process, and everyone will have a chance to review the studies when they are complete and to contribute to these important discussions before any changes are made to the project.”

To learn more about the Two-Basin Partnership, go to
