NOI Parties will hold Initial Study Report meeting on Tuesday, September 29, 2020

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Pursuant to FERC’s ILP regulations, the NOI Parties will hold a meeting with interested parties and FERC staff within 15 days following the filing of this ISR. The purpose of this meeting is: (1) for the NOI Parties to answer questions about the results and status of the relicensing studies as described in this ISR; (2) for the NOI Parties to answer questions concerning their proposed study modifications and new studies; and (3) to discuss the proposals of other Relicensing Participants, if any, to modify or add to the studies in the SPD.

The Relicensing Participants agreed the NOI Parties will hold the ISR meeting as follows:

Initial Study Report Meeting (Agenda), Tuesday, September 29, 2020 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Please register in advance for this webinar: